Frequently Asked Questions

Q: We need something, but I’m not sure what program would be best for us. Can you help us?
A: Of course. The best place to start is on our Programs page. If you’re still not sure or deciding between a couple of options, we’d be happy to talk about solid program options.

Q: Can we customize programs?
A: Absolutely. We’ve used our experience working with a variety of audiences to create a robust set of programs that tend to work well in most settings. We always tailor the content to your field to make it relevant for the participants (schools vs healthcare for instance), but if you have other considerations, get ahold of us so we can chat about your ideas.

Q: Are these conversations appropriate for youth?
A: Yes. And they’re not only appropriate, they’re necessary.
Schools are largely silent on LGBTQ+ lives, which affects so many people. Jeannie Gainsburg, the author of The Savvy Ally, offers a brilliant point in her book:

“My children, along with most kids in the U.S., have known how to ‘Stop, Drop, and Roll’ since kindergarten. This fire safety technique [was reinforced] throughout their K-12 school experience… the likelihood of a child dying in a house fire in the [US is] about 1 in 90,000. What are the chances that that child will discover at some point in their life that they are LGBTQ+? The estimates are about 1 in 20. Yet our schools remain mostly silent on the subject. Without LGBTQ+ teachers as role models, LGBTQ+ historical figures included in the curriculum, and any positive LGBTQ+ characters in textbooks or literature, these children are left to cope with understanding and accepting their identities completely on their own. Parents are left unsupported, not knowing how to react when their children come out to them or how to support them. School’s silence on LGBTQ+ identities sends a very loud and clear message.”

We’re not saying to stop the fire safety lessons. We’re just saying add in discussions around LGBTQ+ families, scholars, inventors, and role models.

Q: What we’re really asking is: do you talk about sex?
A: No. We leave that to health classes and guardians. We talk about respect, support, and inclusion.

Q: Really?
A: Really.

Q: Are any of these programs appropriate for communities of faith?
A: They all are. We know there are many communities of faith that are outspoken in their support of the LGBTQ+ community. Our goal is to promote understanding of the LGBTQ+ community and talk about ways to respect members of the community; not change beliefs.

Q: We think we’re pretty clear that we’re inclusive and welcoming for the LGBTQ+ community. Can you look over our website, intake forms, etc?
A: Sure. We often think we’ve done a thorough job promoting our values to the world. It’s good to have a third party offer their insights to verify that what you want to tell the world is what’s being conveyed. We’ll let you know what we see when folks look at your website, what it’s like to answer your intake forms, etc.

Q: What is a Safe Zone?
A: Many members of the LGBTQ+ community spend a lot of time and energy considering their safety, job security, housing security, and healthcare, specifically because they’re LGBTQ+.

A Safe Zone is a dedicated space where people in the LGBTQ+ community (and Allies) can come and freely be themselves. They can talk about their partner(s), their transitions, and seek more information about the community. It’s judgment-free and people can come and ask questions using the language they have (even if they’re not quite sure how to phrase it). People who have been Safe Zone trained commit to maintain spaces where the LGBTQ+ community is safe and welcome.

Q: We have a limited amount of time available. Can you cover the most important things for the Safe Zone training in an hour?
A: Nope. Your time is valuable and you don’t have much of it – we hear you loud and clear. We have a couple of different options for getting you the information you need to have effective Safe Zone-trained folks in your space. Give us a call so we can chat with you about the best ways to use your time.