Showing up for diversity & inclusion

Level 2: Building off of the basics to gain confidence in speaking up for the community​.

Stepping into the role of an Ally can feel daunting. There is often anxiety around not knowing the perfect answers and not wanting to make mistakes. Silence is the outcome of the pressure to be perfect. What folks don’t realize is that recent learning is precisely what makes Allies so effective. When we’re vulnerable in sharing the ways we have grown and made mistakes, it rehumanizes the experience of being an ally. It also recalibrates the purpose of being an Ally: perfection isn’t a requirement; showing up and trying is.

In this program, we figure out practical responses to common questions and talk about what makes those answers effective. We address the most common question Allies have: “What can we do?” We talk about quick adjustments for today and larger system changes for tomorrow. This program is perfect for people who have a basic understanding of the LGBTQ+ community and who want to learn how to be more effective Allies.